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Charlottesville Va Parks and Grounds


Charlottesville Recreation & Leisure Services The City's Recreation and Leisure Services Division is in charge of sports activities, City swimming pools, shelter rentals, playground activities, the City Market, and much more.
Albemarle Parks and Recreation The County of Albemarle's Parks and Recreation Department maintains 9 county parks.
Virginia Recreation and Park Society The mission of the Virginia Recreation and Park Society is to unite all professionals, students, and interested lay persons engaged in the field of recreation, parks, and other leisure services in the Commonwealth of Virginia.  VRPS presented its 2002 Best Promotional Effort for Electronic Media (population 25,001-50,000) Award to the official Charlottesville Parks and Grounds Division web site.
Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society The Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society provides local historical information in the form of exhibits, a library, presentations to the community and Spirit Walks of Downtown Charlottesville.
Carter G. Woodson Institute at UVa The Carter G. Woodson Institute at the University of Virginia provides African-American study programs, publications, historical information and related resources.  The Institute assisted in historical research of Washington Park
Charlottesville Garden Club logo The Charlottesville Garden Club offers opportunities to exchange gardening knowledge and supports the volunteer and donor programs for the City parks.
The Piedmont Master Gardeners are volunteers who have received specialized Virginia Tech horticultural training and who continue their volunteerism every year with their gardening skills. 
Monticello Avenue Virtual Village Monticello Avenue Virtual Village hosts web sites for many Charlottesville area non-profit foundations, schools, museums and community organizations.  Numerous historical links of local interest can be found in the History portion of their site.
Virginia Civil War Trails The Virginia Civil War Trails project provides information on Civil War facts and locations.  Several locations in and around Charlottesville, including Lee Park and Jackson Park, are among them.
UVa Library Special Collections The UVA Library Special Collections Department has numerous rare and historical documents and images, including the famous collection of historical photographs of Charlottesville taken by Rufus Holsinger.
Rivanna Trails Foundation The Rivanna Trails Foundation is a non-profit volunteer organization which builds and maintains footpaths to encircle Charlottesville, passing through many City parks along the way.
National Register of Historic Places The National Register of Historic Places, part of the National Park Services of the United States Department of the Interior, is the Nation's official list of cultural resources worthy of preservation.  Several locations in the Charlottesville area, including the statues of Lee and Jackson, are registered here.
Charlottesville Downtown Foundation The Charlottesville Downtown Foundation promotes the City's Downtown area through quality special events and activities, including the Fridays After Five™ and the Annual Dogwood Blues Festival concert series.
C'ville-Albemarle Convention & Visitors Bureau The Charlottesville/Albemarle Convention & Visitors Bureau provides information on what to do, where to stay and how to get there in Central Virginia.
Rivanna Conservation Society The Rivanna Conservation Society aims to protect the largely unspoiled beauty of the Rivanna River and to maintain a healthy ecosystem throughout the river's watershed.
Shenandoah National Park The Shenandoah National Park in the Blue Ridge Mountains offers more than 500 miles of trails, including 101 miles of the Appalachian Trail.
Virginia Dept. of Conservation and Recreation The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation State Park Index lists both State parks and Natural Areas in the Commonwealth.

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Revised 8/11/03 by Stowe Keller


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