Azalea Park
Charlottesville Va Parks and Grounds

Azalea Park consists of 23 acres of level land located off Old Lynchburg Road at the southern edge of the City near Interstate 64.  The City secured the land in two acquisitions from the Bellmead Corporation in 1965.  On the north side of the property are trees and natural buffers which separate the park from neighborhood homes.  On the south side is Moore's Creek, which adds to Azalea's unusual charm as it winds its way along the entire length of the park.  There are two paved parking areas and recreational facilities include Junior League softball field, a concession stand, basketball courts, swing sets, and playground. 

Azalea Park is one of seven case studies in the 1998 publication The City As a Park, A Citizens' Guide to Charlottesville Parks, which is available for purchase from the Parks and Grounds Division.

There are 2.5 acres of garden plots which are rented to area residents.  For information on renting a plot, call (434) 970-3592.

There is a stepping stone ford to the Rivanna Trail system at the south end of the community gardens. 

Dogs must be on leash except for inside the fenced area that is provided for off-leash dog activities.  Dogs must remain under voice control.  City code requires dog owners to clean up feces of dogs in their care; a plastic bag dispenser/waste receptable is provided for cleaning up dog waste.  Failure to abide by the leash law and feces cleanup law is a Class 4 misdemeanor.

Park hours are 6AM to 9PM.

Click for larger image (photo by Stowe Keller)
Playground at Azalea Park

Photos of Azalea Park
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Revised 8/13/03 by Stowe Keller


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