Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Charlottesville VA Parks and Grounds

Mission statement: "Created in 1990 to advise City council on matters relating to Parks and Recreation, we are citizens working for excellence in both of these divisions. The Board consists of a Planning Commission member, School Board member, Athletic director, landscape architects and regular users of our parks and recreation programs.  The Board has initiated many studies including the Facilities Evaluation, Athletic Field Study and The City as a Park Master Plan.  In the past, it has appropriated funds to help renovate several parks, add maintenance assistance and enhance our trails. All of the Board members welcome the ideas of our fellow citizens to improve our parks and recreation programs which we consider to be among the best in the state."
Membership:  Appointments made by Mayor
Term:  Three years
Meeting Date:  Usually the 2nd Wednesday of each month -- call to confirm
Time:  5:00 pm
Place:  Office of Recreation, Conference Room, City Hall Annex
Contact:  Office of Recreation 
(434) 970-3270

Current Members 
  (as of 1/15/02):

   Chairperson Peter McIntosh
   Vice-chairperson Peggy Van Yahres

Carroll Bickers

Linda Bowen

Gregory Jackson

Maurice Jones

Herman Key

Mary Beth Magyar

Elissa Rosenberg

Nathan van Hooser

 City of Charlottesville Parks and Grounds

Revised 2/26/02 by Stowe Keller


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